Sign documents globally with Mark Sign

Upload the file, sign the document with qualified electronic signature and share documents with partners from Europe, Asia or even Australia

Try now


✔ Sign documents not only with EU citizens but globally
✔ Qualified electronic signature using the ZealiD app
✔ Possibility to select the number of signatures starting
✔ Registration in just three minutes
✔ Supporting more than 24 languages
✔ Unused signatures are valid for 1 year after purchase

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How to sign documents globally?

Log in to the Mark Sign platform with ZealiD app

Upload the document and invite team members to sign it

The foreigner will sign the document by confirming his identity with ZealiD app

Safe and reliable

ZealiD is an EU-qualified trust service provider included in the European Union Trusted List.

ZealiD has an information security policy based on eIDAS qualified trust services, the ETSI standards set by eIDAS and the latest EU regulation on remote identification.

Compliance with regulations, standards and policies is assessed annually by the leading accredited eIDAS conformity assessment bodies, TuviT GmbH and SRC Security GmbH.

Safe and reliable

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5 signatures/month always free with Smart-ID, Mobile-ID